
Ireland: 1 Week Itinerary

I made this departure flight thanks to TSA allowing me through security with 24 individual tequila, Baileys, and rum pocket shots. They were sealed, 3oz, clear bottles packed in a clear plastic bag, pulled out with my toiletries, because loop holes are everywhere and it is my job as a middle child to exploit them.

For my very first trip abroad, I stayed in Dublin for a week with two friends who were also figuring out this whole ‘travel while broke’ thing with me. It was not glamorous: we packed multiple boxes of meal bars so we would only have to buy dinner (and drinks. mostly drinks), wore the same three outfits for a week, and took public transportation everywhere.

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Budgeting a Week in Spain: The one-way ticket strategy and a man named Nacho

This whole ‘book one-way tickets from central hubs’ equation for travel is an art form — so here is an example of my next trip that was planned this way. I successfully followed a budget of about $100/month spread out from September to February, and now have the confidence of Beyoncé’s left boob.


One week of accommodations in Lisbon, Seville, and Barcelona + roundtrip transatlantic flights + transportation between cities = $750 spread out over September to June. SUCCESS, BITCHES. Here we go:

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