Regarding the Sailor in Charge

I’m Andrea! I am one of the 19 people who actually live in Alaska.

I am most of my friends’ worst nightmare, because I convince them to do lots of traveling by shouting “fucking goooooo” until it happens. I am essentially the Shia LaBeouf of travel planning.

I peaked in life the moment I realized I could swear in front of my parents and not get in trouble, and I’ve been happily doing it ever since!

I started unintentionally traveling trans-continental on a regular basis when I met my husband in college. I think husband is a weird thing to say online, so I’m going to refer to him from now own as my houseboat. I was a student in Boston and he was a student in New York, graduated before me, and moved to Alaska (?!?!) for work. Being the independent woman that Beyoncé taught me to be, I was ok with this. So for three years, I spent most of my time off and long weekends from school hauling my ass to the Last Frontier to presumably eat reindeer meatloaf and help sled dogs deliver

My houseboat and I would eventually go without seeing each other for 6 months at a time to save up and spend one or two weeks somewhere really cool, rather than just a weekend between exams. Then I started planning a lot of trips for my friends and family who were extremely interested in how I managed to keep an ocean or continent between us so often. Eventually decided to just write down how my houseboat and I have managed to make everything be so affordable and to do it so often. Maybe now I may rest in peace.